*It should first be stated, if you or someone you know is in imminent danger, call or text 911 immediately.*
Our top priority is sharing a wide variety of resources and insight with military spouses in hopes that it will be helpful and remind all milsos that you are not alone.
Everyone deserves healthy and safe relationships. Domestic violence does not discriminate between age, gender, race, civilian, or military member.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse (verbal, emotional, sexual, or physical) there are resources, programs, and people willing and ready to help you. The more people are aware of these resources, the more help we can get to those in need of it. If you believe you or someone you know or love is experiencing domestic violence below are some resources that are available on all military installations:
Resources Available Right Now:
1. Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Support (DAVA)
- This group provides assistance and support to a spouse or unmarried intimate partner victims of domestic abuse, including crisis intervention, safety planning, assistance for medical treatment, information on legal services and proceedings, and referral to shelters and any other available victim resources.
2. Military Protective Order Support
- This type of protective order is an immediate and short-term order given by the commander. It can stop communication, distance from location, and more.
3. Transitional Compensation Program
- Monetary support to help you after a court martial or administrative separation.
4. Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
- FAP can provide clinical treatment of domestic abuse, child abuse and neglect. In addition, FAP provides education on dynamics of abuse, restricted reporting capabilities, among other advocacy services.
5. Victims’ Counsel
- Victim-centered advice and advocacy to assist victims in obtaining support and recovery resources.
6. Chaplain Support
- Every installation has chaplains available and ready to talk. Chaplains can provide counseling that supports the spiritual resources to bolster spiritual fitness whether you are religious or non-religious.
7. Military OneSource
- A DoD resource that offers wellness and relationship support for military families, including non-medical counseling. Support for Military Personnel & Families | Military OneSource or 1-800-342-9647
8. Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator
- The Family Advocacy office will be there to help guide you through, but a quick way to check for your nearest advocate, visit https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/to4ols/domestic-abuse-victim-advocate-locator/
This is just a short list of the military programs and services available to any and all victims. There are several national and local hotlines and programs that can be found or used.
You are not alone.