Welcome to the Altus Air Force Base survival guide. Whether you are coming for TDY or PCS, you’re in for a treat. This small town is more like one big happy family. The locals are welcoming, the food is delicious, the history is rich, and the activities are endless! 

Things to know about Altus Air Force Base

It is what you make it! Immerse yourself in the community because you will find the friendliest people here. If you are like me and not used to small town living, it is an adjustment. A good adjustment! You will learn new things and thrive.


Coming from a small town in West Virginia, I felt right at home in Altus. Strangers treat you like old friends, song birds wake you up in the morning, and you can get a sunburn just thinking about the sun here! If you don’t already like home cookin’, jack rabbits, and the word “y’all”, you’re sure to before you leave! 🙂


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In an effort to better serve every WAF across all branches, and with the help of some amazing other WAFs, we’ve curated branch specific Facebook groups. You can find your branch’s group by joining the general WAF Facebook page and then clicking “visit group”.

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