So, you got orders to Cannon? You’ve heard horror stories, right? There’s nothing to do, it smells like cows, there’s a LOT of tumbleweeds, it’s really windy. To be honest, all these things can be true at times, but what you may not have heard is that BECAUSE of these things, the community you will find at Cannon is truly unlike any other. If you commit to attending activities that are offered, I guarantee that you will find friends and you’ll be shocked that these friends will become family and when it comes time to PCS, you’ll find yourself surprisingly sad at what you’re going to leave behind.

Things to know about Cannon Air Force Base

You hear all the time that your military friends become family, but it’s never been so true as here. Because there’s not a ton of local activities, you really learn to lean on time with each other as your activity of choice. We live on base which has been the biggest blessing to us. We live on a street that does regular block parties for holidays. We rent out the neighborhood center and do a big Thanksgiving, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. We go to each other’s kids’ birthday parties. We step in for each other when spouses are deployed. Our kids play in the street together until Retreat plays and the adults gather in the street after the kids go to bed around a fire and talk until way too late. It’s been the purest form of fun and the most genuine relationships we’ve experienced in a very long time. We’re nearing the end of our time here and though we’re ready for more activities, we are going to really, really miss our friends.


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