Fairchild Air Force Base is located in Airway Heights right outside of Spokane, Washington. It’s a great city and there is so much to do! Spokane is surrounded by mountains and history. Western Washington state gets all 4 seasons and is absolutely beautiful. Spokane has a ton of locally owned businesses and restaurants, with a huge selection of places to eat, drink and socialize. We take pride in our city and what we can offer!
Things to know about Fairchild Air Force Base
I was born and raised in Spokane so I am a little biased when it comes to my city, yes it has its imperfections just like any other city but I honestly think it’s a wonderful city. I moved from Spokane when I was 23 after marrying my husband and moving down to MacDill AFB, we then were stationed at Mildenhall England for 4 years and we just got back in the spring of 2018 so I’m learning and exploring my city now as a wife and a mommy of 2! There is a lot to do and a lot of fun to have in Spokane and in the surrounding areas, the seasons are amazing and the people are very friendly.
We’re the 2nd largest city in the state of Washington but we have a small town mentality (if you come across someone who isn’t it’s more than likely they didn’t grow up here). A little bit about our city before you move here…we will know you’re from out of town if you pronounce these wrong haha. Spokane is pronounced Spoh-Can, Gonzaga is pronounced Gone-Zag-Uh, Latah is pronounced Lay-Tahh (Latah is one of the things a few of my spouses didn’t know how to pronounce so I figured I’d put it in there haha) A lot of our names come from our Native American history.
Both my husband and I were born and raised in Spokane, so we are serious lovers of the Pacific Northwest! Moving to Laughlin for UPT was our first Air Force assignment, and we then moved to Southern California where my husband is based out of March Air Reserve base. During the pandemic, we realized we wanted to be closer to home, so made the decision to come back to Spokane and we are so happy we did! The seasons here are amazing, and there’s no shortage of outdoor activities, cool restaurants, or family friendly activities around the city. Spokane has changed a lot since we left five years ago, and it is a wonderful place to raise a family and put roots down.

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