When my boyfriend at the time told me that we were going to be moving to Del Rio, Texas, one of the first thoughts than ran through my mind (after the initial thoughts of where even is that) was,

how am I going to maintain my healthy lifestyle?

I know this sounds like a ridiculous thing to think, but coming from Charleston, land of every trendy gym you could ever imagine and endless healthy eating options, I was concerned.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love chips, queso, pizza, and wings as much as the next girl, but I need some balance in my life. I also have a few dietary restrictions and was concerned I wouldn’t be able to find any of my favorite products, especially non-dairy. I also just have some boujee products that I like to buy, sorry I’m not sorry, and I didn’t want to have to give these up just because of where we were living.

Also, I am the least motivated individual


when it comes to working out and definitely need a class environment to keep me in shape. So, I knew I would have to find something in this new, remote place to fill that gym void.

I am happy to say, it was


easier than expected to keep doing me. Even at a super remote assignment.

Utilize the gym on base

I was definitely skeptical about the base gym, not sure why. Probably because I had never used it before in Charleston, so I just wasn’t sure what to expect. Let me tell you what,

it’s great

. And it’s free. I’m saving so much money because I’m not paying over $100 a month to attend a gym.

Find out what fitness classes there are, find a buddy, and go! It is a great way to get to know someone without having to do much planning. I have become so close with another WAF because we go to spin class together 2-3 times a week. There are lots of different class times as well, from 6am to 6pm. All of the instructors are so nice and welcoming, so are the other people in the class. Is it SoulCycle? No. But does it give me a good workout and let me get my sweat on? Absolutely. Depending what base you’re at, the options are going to vary. Our gym has spin, yoga, and a toning class.

There are also a ton of online workouts that you can find, download to your phone, then do at the gym. I personally love the fitness rooms at the gym where I am away from all the guys and can do my thing in peace. I have access to all the equipment I could need and it’s clean and never that crowded. Find what you like to do best and rock it!

Walmart will become your best friend

I’ll say it, I hated Walmart before moving to Del Rio. I never really went before with any frequency because it was further away than many other options. I simply didn’t even know what you could find in a Walmart.

But let me tell you the options are endless!

I was shocked to find that there are things like Siete Tortillas in the Walmart freezer section. There is a whole section of healthy and gluten free choices that include lots of Whole30 and paleo approved options. I found myself coming home from Walmart so pumped to show my husband all the healthy things I had found. I discovered Tribali mini chicken and apple sliders that are awesome for breakfast and bone broth, both in the freezer section.

They also have a surprisingly good selection of natural condiments as well. I’m telling you, Walmart has really stepped up their game with the healthy eating department, and I am here for it. If you can’t find something that you want, you can always order it and have it delivered to the store.

Two Words: Thrive Market

If you haven’t heard of Thrive Market, you have to

check it out.

You can sign up for a free year subscription if you are a military family! They have everything healthy you could ever want. This is where I go for any specialty products and if I am just planning ahead because the prices are too good to pass up.

Like I mentioned before, I am dairy free because my stomach and dairy just sadly do not mix. I have found my favorite dairy free creamer and it is available on Thrive Market for ridiculously cheap. Additionally, any flours I may need, coconut aminos, Primal Kitchen dressings, the list could go on, can be found on Thrive. Once you hit $50, it’s free shipping and since it’s not something I order weekly, it is pretty easy to hit that $50 when I’m stocking up.

If you do need to add a few more things to your cart to get to that free shipping, just throw in a few bottles of wine and you’ll be good to go.

Living in a remote place does not mean that you have to give up all of your favorite things. There are so many resources out there that allow you to have access to the things that you want. I have found that it’s also all about how you view it. If you have a positive mindset and tell yourself you’re going to figure out ways to live the life that you want to live, you’ll be all set.

Being stationed at a remote base is not the end of the world, if anything, it’s opened my eyes to just how much you are able to find if you just look. So, grab another WAF, check out a workout class on base, and then stock your fridges with everything healthy from Walmart. But be sure you don’t forget the frozen pizza at the end of your shopping trip because well, balance.

Xo, Julia

-WAF at Laughlin AFB-

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