San Antonio, home of Lackland and Randolph, is a big city with a small town vibe. It feels very homey but also has lots of great food, limitless shopping, and tons of fun activities. San Antonio is home to the Culinary Institute of America so the food options here are incredible. You definitely need to plan on it being hot in the summers though, so make sure you find some water to cool off in! The Pearl District is one of my favorite spots to hang out at year round. You can grab a coffee or a cocktail and walk on the Riverwalk, peruse the farmers market, or have your kids splash in the fountain while you relax in the grass.

Things to know about Lackland/Randolph Air Force Base

Since moving here I have adopted a deep love for Mexican food to include all of the varieties of spicy salsa and hot sauces. I have also learned to LOVE breakfast tacos and brisket. I know now to never be too far away from water in the summers and to savor every day during the winter because the weather is magical November-March. Oh, and always shake out your shoes before putting them on, you never know when you’ll find a sneaky scorpion!



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