So I will be the first to admit that clothes are my number one guilty pleasure. Bleh, writing that out makes me feel sooo simple *face palm* BUT I have many reasons why I enjoy clothes/fashion! (and I make sure that my husband has those reasons memorized, ha!) The most important is that I am a creative person and clothes are just one of the many ways that I try to stretch my creativity! That being said there are so many times, especially with work clothes, where I will fall into a rut feeling like I am wearing the same stuff, the same way, over and over again!
So we all know that Marie Kondo has taken over America and Netflix so I won’t act like I am the first person to bring her into a blog BUT part of her “Tidying Up” technique is to “thank” your clothes that you are choosing to part with. As someone who has definitely had times where I just bought on impulse, this idea of “thanking” an impulse buy item was a bit of a wake up call for me. That item truly didn’t bring me anything, and now I am tossing it out after not even enjoying it! This realization came around the new year and while Kirst and I were discussing our resolutions, we came up with the idea of todays blog post! With shopping now being readily available at the tip of our finger through social media/seeing everyone wearing what appears to be a new outfit for each event/Apple Pay which allows us to pay without feeling any remorse, the possibility of feeling “joy” from a new piece in your wardrobe is quickly fading away! We wanted to challenge ourselves, and y’all, to take this year to look at what you currently have, and reimagine it through a new lens!

Creating these looks for this post allowed me to take the time to create new looks with my same “old” wardrobe. Last year, I was in the beginning stages of feeling the guilt of the frivolous shopping, so I decided to focus on purchasing “staple pieces” for my wardrobe. You can clearly see that since basically every outfit is in a neutral….BUT each piece now truly lends itself to being paired with so many other items in my closet!
Xo, Jen