Sumter itself has grown a lot over the last few years. The downtown area is starting to see some revitalization, especially due to The Hampton’s owner investing in a few other store-front properties. There will be a new bar opening downtown that includes an upstairs cigar bar. The city is pretty small town but has pretty much everything you need to survive (thank god for Starbucks). On the days or weekends you need a few more options, Columbia has a lot of great choices. It’s about 35-50 minutes from Sumter depending on where you live in Sumter and where you’re going in Columbia. Most people choose to live in Sumter if the spouse doesn’t have to commute for work (work from home, stay at home mom, etc). Many do choose to live in Columbia though since a lot of guys already commute from Columbia to base so their spouse doesn’t have to drive 378 every day. It’s pretty much up to the preference of the couple and who you may already know at Shaw. It’s much easier to stay involved in any squadron activities, in my opinion, while living in Sumter since the majority of hostings and events happen there. We always love an excuse to go to Columbia though!

Things to know about Shaw Air Force Base

TJ Maxx will be your friend. I’ve found some amazing hidden gems there on off days and the key is to go when it’s not busy, i.e. not on lunch break or after church. Wine nights with your fellow WAFs and the occasional Palmetto Oyster House girl dates can turn an ordinary week into a great one. My husband and I have really gotten into cooking here staying in more. Getting involved in community events and embracing the small town feel will make your experience at Shaw all the more enjoyable.

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