If you haven’t checked out Kirsi’s Introduction to this post 


, be sure to do that before diving too far deep in the workout, she does an


job highlighting the importance of warm ups and cool downs before taking part in intense exercise! 

HIIT TABATA: Perform each move as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Perform each move 8 times + then switch to the next move on the list. Do all 8 moves for 8 rounds to end with workout totaling 32 minutes.

M1: Jump squats M2: Alt. forward lunge M3: Burpee M4: Skater jumps M5: Push up M6: Plank w/opp toe reach M7: Cross-body mountain climber M8: Superman pulse

M1 Jump squats: standing with feet about shoulder width apart, begin to lower yourself into a squat by pushing your hips back + bending at the knee. Align your knees with your toes so they are not caving in or flaring out, + make sure to keep your chest up. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor then explode up off of your toes into a jump. L+ softly on the ground + don’t lock out your knees. You can move your arms with the jump squat by bending your elbows + bringing your h+s together at your chest when descending + shooting them down at your sides when jumping. To modify this movement you should remove the explosive jumping + instead do a calf raise by shifting your weight onto the balls of your feet at the top of each squat.

M2 Alternating forward lunge: Start standing upright with feet hip width apart + h+s on hips, take a step forward with one foot + lower yourself to the ground so both knees are at 90 degrees. The leading knee should be aligned with your ankle. Try not to let the back knee touch the floor. Keeping your weight in the heel of your leading leg, come back to standing + alternate legs.

M3 Burpee: Start standing up, bend down + place h+s shoulder width apart on the floor, hop or walk your feet back to bring yourself to an extended arm plank position. drop all the way down to the floor + do a push up to get back to that plank position. Hop or walk your feet back up to your h+s keeping them shoulder width apart. St+ up + jump raising arms overhead, l+ softly on your knees + bend down again to restart the exercise by placing h+s on the floor.

M4 Skater jumps: St+ on right leg, jump laterally to the left + l+ on your left leg. Alternate jumping side to side using your arms to pump with each movement. To make it harder reach down + touch the floor with your opposite arm, making sure to keep your chest up. Modify to make it easier by dropping your back foot to the floor for support when landing from each jump.

M5 Push up: On the floor, position your wrists so they are stacked underneath your shoulders. Come onto your toes so that you are in an extended arm plank position, lower yourself to the floor so your elbows are at 90 degrees of flexion (or lower yourself all the way to the floor). Extend at the elbows to push yourself back up to starting position. Drop to your knees for an easier version, but keep your back straight + core tight. 

M6 Plank w/opposite toe reach: Adopt a high plank position (wrist + elbows stacked, core tight, on your toes) take turns alternating reaching one h+ back to the opposite foot. When reaching backwards to the opposing foot, your body will move into a pike plank which is similar to the yoga pose downward facing dog. This move is meant to be done quickly but controlled. Make sure between toe reaches you go back into the high plank position + don’t let your butt stay in the air.

M7 Cross-body mountain climber : Adopt a high plank position (wrist + elbows stacked, core tight, on your toes) + alternate driving your right knee up to your left elbow. Alternate driving your knees up + over to the opposite elbow. Keep your core tight, spine stable + remind yourself not to bounce your hips into the air when driving your knees up. To make this movement a little easier you can place your h+s on an incline (like a step) or do regular mountain climbers where you drive your knees to your chest instead of across your body.

M8 Superman pulse: Lying on your stomach, extend your arms + legs out. Take turns pulsing your right arm + left leg up into the air + then your left arm + right leg. Focus on squeezing your glutes + back muscles to raise your limbs off the floor. To increase the intensity + make this move harder pulse all four limbs into the air at once. 

*Disclaimer: All of the above mentioned movements + workouts should be performed by healthy adults. If you have any medical conditions or concerns please consult with your doctor before performing these exercises.*

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