If you haven’t checked out Kirsi’s Introduction to this post


, be sure to do that before diving too far deep in the workout, she does an


 job highlighting the importance of warm ups and cool downs!


● 5-7 minutes of a full body movement (i.e. walking or jogging)

● Birddog 5x for each side

● Hip flexor lunge stretch 5x for each side

● Lunge with thoracic twist 5x for each side

● Glute bridge pulse 5x

● Standing humeral wall slides 5x

● Plank weight shifts 5x 

Birddog: Adopt a quadruped position with knees under your hips + wrists stacked under your shoulders. Keep your spine neutral + raise one arm + the opposite leg (right arm/left leg, left arm/right leg). Make sure to resist the tendency to rotate + arch your spine. This move is for you to focus on core stability + maintain that stability through limb movements. Hold this movement with limbs in the air for 8 seconds, repeat 5 times for each pair of limbs.

Hip flexor lunge stretch: Assume a lunge position but allow the back knee to rest on the floor. Take a small step forward with your leading foot + lean forward to try to get your front knee to reach a 90 degree angle. You should feel a stretch in the hip flexors of the back leg. Shift your torso backwards + raise your arms up overhead to intensify the stretch. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times for each leg.

Lunge with thoracic twist: Setup the same as the hip flexor lunge stretch. Instead of leaning your torso backwards, engage your core, lean forward, place your opposite hand next to the leading foot (right hand placed next to left foot), raise your other hand in the air (left hand) + twist. Hold this rotation for 8 seconds, repeat 5 times for each side.

Standing humeral wall slides: Stand with your back against a wall. Pull your shoulders back to the wall + downward (this is referred to as ‘packing’ your shoulders). With a 90 degree bend in your elbows, raise your arms + place them so the back of each arm is against the wall. From this position slowly slide your arms up the wall, as you do this you will lose the 90 degree bend in your elbow. Raise your arms as high as you can without losing contact with the wall at your elbows or shoulders. Slowly lower back to the 90 degree elbow position. Do 5 slides up + down the wall.

Plank weight shifts: Lying on your stomach, place hands under shoulders + extend both legs behind you. Engage your core to stabilize the spine + extend your arms to reach a high plank position. From here pack your shoulders + gently shift your body weight 3-6 inches forward, backward, left + right without moving your hand position. Perform this entire sequence of four movements 5 times.

Glute bridge: Lying on your back, place your feet on the floor about hip width apart. Engage your core + stabilize your spine as you activate your glutes + raise your hips off of the floor. Avoid arching your lower back. Hold this bridge for 10 seconds + drop back to the floor. Repeat 5 times.


● 5-7 minutes of a full body movement (i.e. walking or jogging)

● Overhead shoulder stretch 3x each side

● Chest opener 15-30 seconds

● Lunge with lateral lean 15-30 seconds each side

● Child’s pose 15-30 seconds

● Downward facing dog with heel pedals 30-45 seconds

● Standing hamstring stretch 15-30 seconds

● Standing quadriceps stretch 15-30 seconds

Overhead shoulder stretch: Standing, raise your right arm up overhead + bend your elbow to drop your hand to reach for your spine with your palm. Simultaneously extend your left arm back with your palm facing backwards, bend your elbow + reach the back of your hand to try to meet where your right hand is on the spine. Hold this position for 5 seconds + switch arm placements. Do this so each arm is in both positions 3 times.

Chest opener: Standing, extend both arms behind you, turn your hands so palms are facing each other + interlace fingers together. Hold this grip + lift your arms up behind you. Hold this for 15-30 seconds. 

Downward facing dog with heel pedals: From a quadruped position, curl your toes under + push up on your h+s to shift your hips into the air. Focus on pushing your hips back + keeping a straight line from your wrists all the way up to the hips. Take turns pushing one heel into the group at a time (pedaling). Pedal your heels back + forth for 30-45 seconds.

Standing hamstring stretch: Standing with feet hip width apart, reach down towards your toes. Hold this stretch for 15-30 seconds.

Lunge with lateral lean: Adopt a lunge position but allow your back knee to drop to the floor. Keep 90 degree bends in both knees, raise both arms in the air + lean your trunk laterally to shift past your body’s midline + flex your trunk. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds + switch sides. If you’re having balancing issues, drop one hand to your leading thigh (right hand on right leading thigh, left hand on left leading thigh) during trunk flexion.

Child’s pose: Go to a quadruped position with hands stacked under shoulders + a 90 degree bend at your knees + hips. Move your knees so they are about shoulder width apart + pushing backwards drop your hips to your ankles. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. 

Standing quadriceps stretch: Balancing on one leg, bend the other knee + grab your ankle behind your body with the same h+ (right ankle/right h+). Pull your ankle in towards you glutes. Hold this stretch for 15-30 seconds + switch sides. To help with balancing issues, perform this next to a wall + use that for support.

*Disclaimer: All of the above mentioned movements + workouts should be performed by healthy adults. If you have any medical conditions or concerns please consult with your doctor before performing these exercises.*

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